
Showing posts with the label box model


I am a paragraph of text that has a few words in it. p { width : 100px ; height : 50px ; padding : 20px ; border : 1px solid ; } The content would break out of your element and it would be 142px wide, rather than 100px. Why is that? The box model is a core foundation of CSS and understanding how it works, how it is affected by other aspects of CSS and importantly, how you can control it will help you to write more predictable CSS A really important thing to remember when writing CSS, or working on the web as a whole, is that everything displayed by CSS is a box. Whether that's a box that uses  border-radius  to look like a circle, or even just some text: the key thing to remember is that it's all boxes. Content and sizing  # 27  Boxes have different behavior based on their WALLALL Knowledge Base  , their set dimensions, and the content that lives within them. This content could be even more boxes—generated by child elements—or plain text content. Ei...